Granite State Children’s Alliance

CD: Joe Krikava
AD: Cam Schwarz
CW: Doug Murphy

1 in 10 children will report sexual abuse before they turn 18.
1 in 5 girls and 1 in 6 boys experience sexual abuse.

But it’s easy to separate yourself from uncomfortable statistics; it’s only numbers.   

Granite State Children’s Alliance - New Hampshire’s network of child advocacy centers - knows this all too well.

In April 2022, National Child Abuse Prevention & Sexual Assault Awareness Month, GSCA needed a way to truly show the magnitude of child abuse statistics in New Hampshire, and garner support from state legislators for their cause. 

Introducing the Blue Brick Project.


1 in 10 doesn’t feel real until you see it. So we created a way for the New Hampshire legislators to face that number directly.


Across from the New Hampshire State House in Concord, there is a public brick walkway used by the representatives during the intermission of their sessions. 

We colored every 10th brick in the walkway blue, representing the 1 in 10 children who report abuse before turning 18. We also created signage to describe various abuse statistics in the state - forcing representatives and civilians alike to walk through and experience the sheer amount of kids GSCA fights for every day.